QualiTIES is an inter-institutional developmental and research initiative that offers a blended learning opportunity aligned with empirical principles of teacher professionalization, with the goal of addressing attitudes and competence regarding English language teaching in heterogeneous and diverse settings. In a semester-long training, experienced practitioners across North Rhine-Westphalia work in school-based teams to acquire knowledge and competence regarding strategies, content, and methodologies appropriate for early secondary school classes.
Designed in cooperation with university experts, teacher educators, and classroom teachers in a two-year development process, QualiTIES includes interactive exercises, multi-perspective videos, and open-ended activities online, interwoven with synchronous, full-day opportunities to discuss and deepen the content.
QualiTIES is available as an OER resource.
Research on QualiTIES is ongoing, and has examined the following constructs
- Attitudes towards inclusive English instruction
- Beliefs about language learning
- Reflective competence development
- Mindsets
- Professional vision

Research on QualiTIES has been published in both English and in German.
Blume, C., Gerlach, D., Roters, B., & Schmidt, T. (2021). Mindsets and reflection in teacher education for inclusive language classrooms. Zeitschrift für Fremdsprachenforschung, 32(1), 25–46.
Blume, C., & Schmidt, T. (2020). All kinds of special: Using multi-perspective classroom videography to prepare EFL teachers for learners with special educational needs. In F. Lenz, M. Frobenius, & R. Klattenberg (Eds.), Classroom Observation. Peter Lang.
Blume, C., & Schmidt, T. (2020). Pädagogischer Doppeldecker – Blended Learning als Methode für die Entwicklung von inklusiven Einstellungen und fachdidaktischem Wissen in der Lehrkräfteausbildung im Fach Englisch als Fremdsprache. In H. Niesen, D. Elsner, & B. Viebrock (Eds.), Hochschullehre digital gestalten in der (fremd-)sprachlichen LehrerInnenbildung: Inhalte, Methoden und Aufgaben. Narr.
Blume, C., Gerlach, D., Roters, B., & Schmidt, T. (2019). The ABCs of inclusive English teacher education: Attitudes, be/liefs, and (reflective) competence. TESL-EJ, 22(4). http://www.tesl-ej.org/wordpress/issues/volume22/ej88/ej88a6
Blume, C., Gerlach, D., Roters, B., & Schmidt, T. (2019). Didaktische und methodische Ansätze zur Entwicklung der fachdidaktischen Inklusionskompetenz von angehenden Fremdsprachenlehrkräften. Herausforderung Lehrer_innenbildung, 2(3), 296–322. https://doi.org/10.4119/hlz-2475